Bears Don’t SWAT v2 (#27)
August 15, 2020
Prize Pool: $500
Tourney Time: 2:00 PM EST
Deadline: 08/13/2020 @ 8:00 PM EST
Say What?
We’re celebrating Nafburger’s, one of co-founders, birthday with YET ANOTHER Boy/Girl 2v2 SWAT tournament! Bears Don’t SWAT is coming back reloaded, and more TAHXIC than ever. We’ll be using Naf’s selection of maps and guns which will test your mettle like never before.
Teams will compete for their piece of a $500 USD prize pool.
🥇 $250
🥈 $150
🥉 $100
Gametype will be found in fileshare of “Twitch NapTimez” called Bears dont h1, Bears dont h2, Bears dont H5br, Bears dont H5mag, Bears dont DMR
Maps Included:
Eden Plaza
Pegasus 2 Rig
Coliseum Regret
What are the Rules?
The rules for this, and all other SWAT Nation tournaments can be found in the RULES PAGE. By signing up, you acknowledge you’ve read and agreed the rules. Additionally, NO SMURF ACCOUNTS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THIS TOURNAMENT. Please register with your main accounts. Thanks.
When is it?
The tourney will take place Swaturday, August 15 at 2pm EST.
Registration deadline is Thursday, August 13 at 8pm EST. Bracket will also be posted at this time on stream at
How do I register?
You can sign up at the bottom of this page. Enter your 2 team members along with your team name.