Once Upon A SWAT (#10)

July 28, 2019

Prize Pool: $1000
Tourney Time: 2:00 PM EST
Deadline: 07/24/2019 @ 8:00 PM EST


Say What?

Once Upon a … SWAT!? That’s RIGHT! We’re kicking it old-school the right way this time with a true throwback! Grab a partner and sign up for our first ever MCC SWAT Tourney! This one will feature the Halo 3 title and will reflect the settings and maps that were enjoyed once upon a time!

For us to make this tourney happen, we require at least one person to stream their POV on Twitch from each team. This streamed POV must have voice audio dis-included so that the hosts can cast the tourney without having to talk over the competitors. If you aren’t being watched then you may resume your normal broadcast. Everyone is welcome to stream, we are just asking for this one requirement so that we can appropriately cast the tournament. When signing up, you will indicate who on your team will have a clean broadcast (minimum 1 per Team) and agree to allow us to co stream.

Teams will compete for their piece of a $1000 USD prize pool. Additional contributions to increase the prize pool are more than welcome. Thanks to @Adduracy for his $100 Contribution, and @PiusRampage for his $400!

What’s the Format?

  • Halo 3 (MCC) 2v2
  • Score to 25
  • No Elites
  • Frags Enabled
  • Use “Once Upon A Swat” game type in “Twitch NapTimez” fileshare on MCC

Maps will include: (These are the tuned swat maps from MCC SWAT)

Swat Stop          NarrowSwat
Heretic Swat       Swat Guardian
Cold Swatage       Swatless
Blackout Swat

Maps are subject to change.

When is it?

The tourney will take place on Sunday July 28th 2pm EST

Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 24th 2019 at 8pm EST. Bracket will go live immediately after!

What are the Rules?

The rules for this, and all other SWAT Nation tournaments can be found in the RULES PAGE. By signing up, you acknowledge you’ve read and agreed the rules.

It’s REQUIRED to have players streaming this one for casting purposes.

How do I register?

You can sign up at the bottom of this page. Enter your player/stream information in the form.