November 4, 2023
Prize Pool: $200
Tourney Time: 3:00 PM EST
Deadline: 11/03/2023 @ 10:00 PM EST
Fill in your team details with your Xbox LIVE gamertags in the player fields. By signing up, you acknowledge you’ve read and agreed the tournament rules
Will be using Tactical slayer settings EVO START: change to 5sec respawn + equipment pickup – no power equipment or grenades like in ranked tactical slayer mode or using game-type in file-share of “NapTimez” – Score to 50
(Game mode: https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/modes/69164fc5-aa30-451f-bc5b-b1d70c886db3)
Prize-pool: $200, top 3 get paid out — 1st-50%, 2nd-30%, 3rd-20%
Community funded by tot tuba and Jyves
Tourney will be broadcasted at https://www.twitch.tv/naptimez
MAPS: Aquarius, Empryean, Livefire, Solitude, Recharge, Streets, possible other maps TBA